Who we are
Danish Special Effects Service is lead by it’s 7 times „Robert Award“ and one time „Cannes Award“ winner Special Effects Coordinator Hummer Højmark. Since 1988 it has been the largest driving force, in the creation of innovative special effects for the motion picture industry in Scandinavia but also internationally. It has since destinguished itself in designing and building of large scale advanced mechanical effects, action pyrotechnics, large scale explosions, gun battles with bullet hit effects and stunts with fire and pyrotechnics.
As the only company in Scandinavia, Danish Special-Effect Service has achieved legal license to convert and rebuild real guns into film weapons and producing special blank firing ammunition for almost all calibers available, both traditional and exotic, specifically tailored to the motion picture industry.
The strong side of the company is that through its long existence it has collected a large stock of machines and equipment. All this makes it possible for the company to do complicated assignments in short notice and to a reasonable economy.
With the large stock of specialty equipment comes also our unique ability to upscale, if a project so requires. We have at anytime; at least a dozen qualified trained special effects technician and coordinators available, who have experience in working in all kinds of environments, from the scorching heat of the Sahara Desert, to the bitter cold of the polar circle. All our employees have taken advanced first-aid courses and have experience with everything ranging from photography to firefighting.
The over 50 years of combined SFX experience makes Danish Special Effects Service a sound choice for any type of job where great quality and professional service matters!

Our services
The effects that create a certain mood, but go usually unnoticed, are called Atmosphere. Usually it’s in a form of weather, but it can also be achieved by adding a little bit extra to the surroundings.
Wind, snow, rain, smoke, fog, dust, frost, storm, steam and lightening can all be achieved at any time of the year by using atmospheric special effects. We have our workshop filled op with special atmospheric equipment ready for use on your next project.
With over 30 years of experience we can provide our customers with all kinds of pyrotechnics, everything from a small pyrotchnichs to atomic bomb like explosions in whatever one could imagine.
Pyrotechnics are one of the most exciting types of special effects, but also the most dangerous one. Our higly skilled personeel can provide you with the safest and most impressive pyrotechnics in no time. We will provide the highest level of safety that can be achieved to ensure everyone’s safety.
Bullet Hits
Bullet hits for the body are called flat hits. This technique enables single or multiple hits to the body with little or no danger. In addition, it gives full freedom in positioning the camera shot for the greatest effect.
We can provide you with a wide range of squib firing systems, from wireless for maximum flexibility and movement to wiresystems for safety if the wireless are bieng blocked, all specifically for your project! Although the construction of bullethits is not complex, it requires a some preparation and can therefore be time consuming.
No stunt is fulfilled without a bunch of effects around it, as well as no explosion is interesting without stuntmen within it that allmost dosn't make it!We have though the years worked with every serious stuntteam there is in Scandinavia, and have a lot of experience in how to support them in all the work that lies behind a great stunt.
Pictures says more than a thousand words so do check out our stunt section for more.
Sometimes you just need this one angle for the whole film to work out and this one angle just won't work out for you. This is where you sometimes need to constructionwork to solve your equation!With a lot of different size constructions in the past from hydralic systems to explosionmodels it is safe to say that we can solve pretty much whatever one could desire.
We offer the largest selection in Northern Europe of blank firing weapons, specifically tailored for the movie industry. We have over 100 pistols, more than 75 full automatic weapons, and atleast 100 rifles, both modern and old. Furthermore we custom manufacture our own ammunition, to give your movie, the best looking effect you can possible get.
Our online weapons database gallery has every firearm, prop and edged weapon avaiable in high-res quality for easy selction of the perfect weapon or prop, for your movie !