Car Cages/Ramps/Air

Although a Special Effects company, DSFX has over the years gathered much equipment and skills which would normally fall under the category "Stunts".

We do not perfom any stunt ourselves, we lead that to the proffesionals, but after all, stunt and special effects go after all, hand in hand.

Vehicle stunts is something that has allways been both extremely difficult and even more dangeous.
Danish Special Effects Service has allways taken great pride in trying to minimize this risk as much as humanly possible through safety and trough thinking. There are allways many precautions to be taken, but the most important, when doing a full car crash is the Roll Cage, which ensures that even though the car gets totaled, the car will not buckle onto the stuntman thereby injuring him.

We offer the full crash package with rollcages, ramps and safety personell standing by!
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Amager Landevej 273
DK-2770 Kastrup


Pho.: +45 325 733 05
Mobile: +45 408 119 66
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